Thursday, February 28, 2013

I do not like where the Playstation 4's socialize with your friends mind frame is going. Why do I need to watch my friends play live. Shouldn't I be playing co-op with them and enjoying the experience as well? That's not online gaming, nor is it twitch TV. Sony online friend live view streaming, as far as I can see is a step backwards. With twitch TV and other services, users upload the highlights of their game play  Viewers watch maybe with some commentary, so slight editing, music and credit given to the user that created the channel for his or her followers. With Sony's plan I see them taking away all that twitch TV does for the video game channels and trying to capitalize on the newest trend.  How many people can live stream a friends video feed on Playstation network? Wouldn't this have some effects on the hardware and bandwidth at some point? I certainly don't see this feature working flawlessly first launch day so why is it even mentioned.

To those that have faith in Sony somehow pulling off this "cool feature", two words...


Bottom Line: Leave the social connectivity of videos of video games to the others.

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